Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What You Can Do 

Sponsor our youth initiative programmes to support youth entrepreneurship 

You'll receive regular updates and reports on the project you are supporting. 

Make a Donation 

Your one-off donation will support Sawi Youth Association vital work in making a lasting difference to the lives of many youths. 

· Give a general donation and we’ll designate it to where the need is greatest 

· Or specify which community projects you would like to fund, such as safe drinking water, health care and education. 

Whatever you give will make a difference. For example, just 10,000 CFA/yr or €16/yr could provide basic education for 2 children in Cameroon. 

Partner and/or Volunteer 

Sawi Youth Association work will be supported by partners and volunteers around the world. If you are interested in partnering or volunteering for Sawi Youth Association, we would be pleased to hear from you. 

Corporate partnerships 

Corporations will have a critical role to play in helping Sawi Youth Association to promote child rights and lift millions of Youths out of poverty. We will be working with corporations in a variety of ways, including: 

· Long term strategic partnerships 

· Innovative partnerships to find new solutions to existing youth development issues 

· Global, national and local fundraising, marketing and communications 

· Skills transfer and employee engagement 

Our dream is to work together with more than 100 Association all around the world 


Mr. Kum George 

Mendong, Yaounde 


Tel: (237) 79105283 

Mr. Wango Boris 

Buea, South West Region 


Tel: (237) 96367746, (237) 75876965 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Future Plans

Future Plans
Sawi Youth Associations work to promote youth’s potential and entrepreneurship and to lift millions of youths out of poverty is based around 6 core areas: 

1. Education
Education is one of the most powerful tools in breaking the cycle of poverty. Sawi Youth Association will train educators on child-friendly learning skills to benefit communities. We will also support the construction and rehabilitation schools. 

Equal access
Every human has the right to education, but many people are excluded because of high costs, language and cultural barriers, geographical remoteness, or special needs. We will work to ensure free and equal access to quality education at all times, including in emergencies, as well as access to learning for young people so they can reach their full potential. 
Education strategy 

Our education strategy focuses on: 

· Promoting inclusive, safe, healthy, child-friendly learning environments 

· Improving the skills of teachers 

· Creating culturally relevant, gender-sensitive lessons and offering essential life-skills training. 

Reaching out

Sawi Youth Association will actively reach out to youths including children who have never been to school or have dropped out because of cultural or financial reasons. We will be working to break down the barriers that prevent many girls being educated and will set up projects to help thousands of them into school. We will also encourage children, parents and communities to be actively involved in decision making around education and campaign to improve governance at all levels. 

2. Health

Children have the right to a healthy start in life. From fighting diseases to boosting nutrition, Sawi Youth Associations health programmes will help to save thousands of children's lives each year. We will train professional and volunteer health workers on early education and care skills, to benefiting communities. 

Preventable childhood illnesses 

Our community-level health programmes will include immunisation, child nutrition and hygiene promotion. We will work to prevent and combat preventable childhood illnesses such as malaria, diarrhoea and malnutrition. Maternal and reproductive health 

Maternal health will be another key area of our work, particularly pre- and postnatal care and birth attendance. Sawi Youth Association will organise camps to train traditional birth attendants, which will result in a marked decrease in infant and maternal mortality rates. 

We will also implement reproductive health programmes in most of our local communities that will be working in, with the main focus on HIV. 

3. Water and Sanitation

There is a global crisis in water and sanitation, with diarrhoea killing at least 1,200,000 under-5s each year. Sawi Youth Association will works with communities to improve access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation and to raise awareness of the importance of hand washing and waste management. Sawi Youth Association will support households in developing countries to improve their sanitation facilities, and helped communities to build or refurbish water points. 

Education key 

Billions of people lack access to basic sanitation and are forced to defecate out in the open, contaminating food and water supplies. We will educate communities about the importance of sanitation and encourage them to strive for a total ban on open defecation. 

4. Protection

Protecting children and young people from abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence is central to everything we will do. We will provide child protection training for community members and staff of partner organisations across the world. 

Many children experience abuse every day from people they know and trust and it threatens their survival, development and participation in society. 

Global problem

The 2006 United Nations Study on Violence Against Children, which estimates that worldwide: 

· 40,000,000 children are abused each year 

· 150,000,000 girls and 73,000,000 boys experience sexual violence 

· 1,800,000 children are involved in commercial sexual exploitation and child abuse images 

· 1,200,000 children are victims of trafficking. Long-term solutions 

Sawi Youth Association will do more than introduce short-term fixes for these problems. 

We will raise awareness of children’s right to protection and work closely with families and communities. We will also deliver target programmes to address specific protection issues - such as child trafficking, corporal punishment in schools, female genital cutting and child marriage. At local, national and international level we will work to influence policies and make sure there is an adequate legal framework to protect children. 

5. Economic security

Children and Youths are often the first to feel the effects of poverty, being forced to go hungry or leave school to earn an income for the family. We will work with community partners to ensure that families in extreme poverty have the skills they need to increase their income and can access financial services. Sawi Youth Associations will train people in agricultural, vocational and business skills. We will also support microfinance organisations and local savings and loans groups. 

Youth opportunities

Over the next decade, 1.3 billion young people will be entering the workforce, but only 300,000,000 new jobs are expected to be created. To reduce poverty, one of our key priorities is to make sure that young people have opportunities for decent employment and are equipped with the necessary skills to create jobs for themselves. 

From financial literacy to vocational training and apprenticeships, we will work to harness the tremendous power of this new generation to help break the cycle of poverty. 

Loans and savings

Hundreds of thousands of people will achieve financial stability through our microfinance partnerships, which will provide small loans to poor women and youths. 

We will also support village loans and savings schemes. Having access to lump sums and building savings, helps people to protect their households from emergencies and plan for the future. 

6. Youth Participation

Sawi Youth Association will help thousands of sawi youths to learn about their rights and speak out about issues that affect them. Children and Youths have the right to take part in decision-making but all too often their involvement is limited or non-existent. 

Speaking out

From setting up local youth groups to supporting young delegates at international conferences, we will help children to express their views and influence decision-makers. By strengthening their confidence and leadership skills – through projects such as media and journalism – we will support youths to lead advocacy initiatives and make positive change. We also work with their families and communities so they understand how important it is for youths to have a voice and contribute as active citizens. 

Vulnerable children 

Sawi Youth Association will deliver target programmes so that we can reach the most marginalised and vulnerable groups, including those outside of school, younger children and youths with disabilities. We will also support children’s and youth organisations in monitoring government implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

About Us
Founded in 2009, Sawi Youths Association is a group based in Cameroon that hopes to be the largest uniting force amongst the youths of the Sawi tribe. We intend to work with Sawi youths across different localities in Cameroon, to help them release their potentials and maximise the opportunities of the 21st century in other to foster development in the region. Sawi Youth Association is independent, with no religious, political or governmental affiliations.

Our Vision
Sawi Youth Associations Vision is to create an environment through which all Sawi youths realise and maximise their full potential in societies that respect people's rights and dignity so that they can transform their community and help improve the living standards of the population.

Our Mission
Sawi Youth Association aims to achieve permanent improvements in the quality of life of deprived youths in the Sawi Community, through a process that unites people across cultures and adds meaning and value to their lives, by:

· Enabling deprived youths, their families and their communities to meet their basic needs and to increase their ability to participate in and benefit from their societies

· Building relationships to increase understanding and unity among peoples of different cultures and countries

· Promoting the rights and interests of the Sawi youths

Our Approach
Youths are at the heart of everything we do. Sawi Youth Association is a Youth-centred group and community development organisation: we work with youths, their families, communities, organisations and local governments to bring about positive change. When children and adults work together as part of the change process, it is more likely that programmes will be successful and sustainable.

Sawi Youth Associations work is linked to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which spells out the human rights of all children, including the right to:

· survive

· develop to the fullest

· be protected from harmful influences, abuse and exploitation

· Participate fully in family, cultural and social life.

Listening to what youths have to say about their rights, needs and concerns is key to this approach. We encourage and help youths to take an active role in finding solutions to their problems and realising their full potential.